Our Church traces its founding back to 1830 when the Church was distinctly Reformed in its theology and German speaking. That initial foundation is important to us as well as all the changes that have happened along the way. It also prods us to look forward to the future optimistic that God is not finished with this church. The name, style and people may change from time to time but the gospel message of Jesus Christ never should.
As a church we want to stand on three very distinct hallmarks.
1. Our desire is to be a Bible centered and gospel proclaiming church. To do that we preach through a book of the Bible one verse at a time…this is otherwise known as expository preaching. We want to know the whole counsel of God and know God’s word well which brings life transformation. We bring our Bibles to church and intend to use them.
2. We strive to be a community church. We want to be a people that grow together as a faithful committed band of believers that in turn serve our community well through outreach and missions. It all begins with our kids. And as we like to say… “kids ministry comes first here.”
3. The passionate theology of grace motivates us to reach out into the world with the saving gospel of Jesus Christ. It’s reflective of our history as a reformed church and we believe represents the true heart of the gospel. This understanding of grace moves us to worship in a thankful, selfless & cross centered way. We exist for His glory!